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Sense International (EA) Tanzania Jobs 2024
Scoping for Global Resource Hub on Deafblindness at Sense International March 2024
We are seeking a consultant to conduct a scoping exercise at a national level in Tanzania where Sense International (SI) operates to identify accessible news and information, assistive technology and useful resources for people with deafblindness and those that support them, and to provide recommendations on how the Global Resource Hub on Deafblindness can evolve to become the ‘go to’ portal for people with deafblindness and those who support them.
Sense International (SI) is a disability specialist charity, partnering with local organisations in Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Nepal, Peru, Romania, Tanzania, and Uganda. We have over 20 years of experience working with people with deafblindness (PwDB) and multi-sensory impairments (MSI), who are among the most marginalised and vulnerable due to complex communication needs. SI supports people with deafblindness to transition from isolation to inclusion, ensuring they have the emotional, health and educational support to live, learn and thrive.
The wider project:
Sense International is implementing a project “All together in education: breaking barriers for children with deafblindness (Phase II)” from August 2023-July 2026. This project brings together the potential of technology, with our on the ground understanding of the diverse challenges that face children and young PwDB/MSI.
Working in all our eight countries (Bangladesh, Kenya, India, Nepal, Peru, Romania, Tanzania and Uganda), this project has the children and young PwDB/MSI at its centre.Building on the successes and the learning from Phase 1 (2020-2023), we plan to embark on the next three-year phase of the project to continue strengthening the national education systems across the eight countries, using and promoting a Global Resource Hub as a key tool and platform, so people with deafblindness (have access to equitable and good quality education to fulfil their potential.
Phase II of the project is directly aligned with the three strategic objectives (SO) set out in Sense International’s five-year strategy (2022-2027) (see below) and will contribute to our long-term goal of challenging stigma, discrimination and breaking down barriers in societies and education systems so that people with deafblindness are fully included.
- SO1: Innovate – People with deafblindness are included in national systems.
- SO2: Inform- People with deafblindness and the people that support them have more information, skills, and knowledge.
- SO3: Influence- People with deafblindness are recognised in laws, policies practice and budgets
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Global Resource Hub:
As part of this Phase I, we invested in a Global Resource Hub https://deafblindness.info/. The aim was to provide an accessible platform that can be used in a range of low band-width settings both by PC, Tablet and phone.
The site is available in a range of languages and can therefore host materials and signpost to information and resources in English, Bangla, Hindi, Nepali, Romanian, Spanish and Swahili, with the potential to include further languages.
The long-term vision of the Global Resource Hub is for PwDB/MSI to be able to access information the same way as people without disabilities, and for the hub to become a global source of collated information (whether books, news, etc), resources, technology, and guidance easily available and accessible to them and those who support them. This is an ambitious aim, which we decided to approach in three distinct phases.
Phase I (2020-2023) focused on creating the site, featuring content in multiple languages (English, Spanish, Romanian, Hindi, Nepalese, Bangla and Swahili), and uploading high quality, accessible resources from across the Sense International family. Now we want to carry out a separate, scoping and research into technology, information and resources that already exist globally and at individual country level and explore how to link them to the hub.
In Phase II (2023-2026), greater focus will be given to expanding content with a continued emphasis on practical guidance and activity-based learning. This will involve reviewing the current resources further by all Sense International teams, including our sister charity Sense which operates in the UK, and active scoping of suitable content produced by our national and international partners. We will use the results of the scoping/research exercises to signpost accessible news, information, books and existing technology across the eight countries to the Hub. Additional functionality of the site will be explored to engage a wider user group and PwDB directly and we will develop and implement a global marketing plan to launch and promote the hub.
Phase III (beyond 2026) will use the learning from Phases I and II to assess the hub’s impact to continue developing the site and expand its functionality and global reach.
- The Assignment
We are looking for a consultant to undertake a scoping/research assignment at the national level in Tanzania, in English to see what is available, what gaps exist and how we can build the Global Hub up to be the go-to place for people with deafblindness/ MSI to access news, stories, information etc and for those that support them to do the same.
We have a vision of people with deafblindness being able to access information (whether books, news etc) the same way as people without disabilities and for the hub to be a trusted source of collated information easily available to them.
SI aims to have the following four broad areas of resources on the hub
- SI/internal resources, to be made available in languages relevant to our countries of operation
- Other INGO/NGO resources relevant to our end users and the people who support them (to include any relevant training courses)
- Government services and referral systems and processes relevant to our end users and the people who support them.
- Signposting to
- Books (for example, we want to explore linking to UNICEF’s Accessible Digital Textbooks for All and sites such as Bookshare)
- News websites/information sources where content is available in accessible forms
- Signposting to technology that would be relevant and suitable for our end users.
Objectives of Scoping
- Identify any key gaps in information that could be developed as part of the Global Resource Hub
- Identify what is available in country
(and potentially at a global level) in relation to accessible
resources/ technology available on a Global/National level in English/
National languages to include but not limited to:
- Resources/ Information that can be signposted or featured on the site in English and in local languages of the countries of SI operation.
- Other INGO resources relevant to our end users and the people who support them.
- Government services and referral systems and processes relevant to our end users and the people who support them.
- Signposting to
- Books (for example, we want to explore linking to UNICEF’s Accessible Digital Textbooks for All and sites such as Bookshare)
- News websites/information sources where content is available in accessible forms
- Signposting to technology that would be relevant and suitable for our end users (including mobile apps).
6.Recommendations to inform direction for the Global Resource Hub (short, medium term and long-term) based on findings.
Target Audience of the Global Hub:
- People with deafblindness/MSI
- People supporting people with deafblindness/ MSI- families, teachers, health professionals, other INGOs/NGOs, Government officials etc.
Planned Output:
A scoping report in soft copy and English (or another language e.g. Spanish, as pre-agreed with the consultant in the contract) of up to approximately 15 pages (excluding annexes), using Sense International’s accessible word document template which will be provided on inception.
A suggested (example) format could be:
- Contents page
- Abbreviations and acronyms page
- Methodology and limitations
- Findings
- General situation
- Recommendations
- Short-term Recommendations
- Mid-term Recommendations
- Long-term Recommendation- for Global Resource Hub in relation to accessible
- Other INGO/NGO resources
- Books
- News/Information sources
- Technology
- Key gaps – that could be the focus for new work.
- Conclusion
Proposed Methodology (for further discussion)
At the start of scoping, Sense International representatives would hold a briefing meeting (in person or by phone) with the consultant to confirm key areas to be scoped.
Desk based scoping:
This is desk-based scoping. Due to the nature of task we do not anticipate any travel.
Whilst doing the scoping, the consultant should consider the key end users for the Global Resource Hub- at both the Global and National levels.
- Sense International staff in the UK and the appropriate country/partner offices.
- People with deafblindness/ MSI and their families.
- Teachers, Field Educators and those that are supporting people with deafblindness
- Health professionals working with and for people with disabilities.
- Local partner staff
- Local government authorities.
- Other INGO/NGO staff
Report Writing and Feedback:
In compiling the scoping document, the consultant should ensure that this contains clear recommendations, and the consultant should build in time for feedback and revisions.
Proposed Timeframe:
The scoping should start within two weeks of the consultant being recruited and be completed within 1 month of the agreed start date. This will allow time for research, compilation of the report and feedback. Proposed itinerary (tentative dates, for further discussion)
- Advertise TOR (two weeks to advertise)
- Deadline for expressions of interest. (1 week to review/interview)
- Consultant(s) selected, and a contract drawn up and briefing. (2 weeks to start)
- Scoping work (approximately 5 days of scoping, 3 days of report writing) – 8 days in total (2 weeks to complete)
- Consultant to present findings (virtually) and submit a draft scoping evaluation report for final feedback (1 week for feedback)
- Final scoping report submitted.
Financial arrangements:
100% of the consultant’s fees to be paid after delivery of final report to Sense International (or as agreed with consultant in contract).
Expertise and expectations of the Evaluator:
- Significant knowledge of disability and accessibility requirements, preferably with experience with deafblindness/MSI.
- Commendable ability to research, analyse information and write detailed, organised, well written and informative reports that can be used to inform decision-making.
- Fluency one of languages of Sense International countries of operation in which the scoping is taking place Swahili and fluency in English is necessary.
- Experience in inclusive education and technology projects.
Sense International exists to support children and adults with deafblindness to realise their rights including their right to protection from violence, exploitation, abuse, neglect, and harm. We take our responsibility to keep people safe seriously and continually strive to embed good practices across the organization and beyond.
We understand safeguarding to be about ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everyone with whom we work – including people with deafblindness, their families, carers, and other professionals, as well as members of communities and entities such as organisations of persons with disabilities. This obligation naturally extends to our staff, trustees, volunteers, and interns, as well as those in our partner organisations and other personnel associated with Sense International.
Sense International has a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, harassment, violence, exploitation, and abuse. Sense International requires the successful candidate to comply with its Child and Vulnerable Adult Policy and Procedure and to sign its Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Declaration and Code of Conduct.
Throughout this scoping activity, it will be important to ensure that and recommendations to information and materials for the Global Resource Hub, do no harm.
How to apply
Application process and timeline:
If you are interested in applying to undertake this scoping exercise in Tanzania we look forward to hearing from you and receiving your Expression of Interest.
For the Expression of Interest, please email a CV/Resume and a maximum two-page Expression of Interest which responds to the following questions:
- Which scoping assignment you are interested in (indicate country) (NB we are conducting this scoping in multiple countries).
- Your experience in doing desk-based scoping/research.
- Your experience in relation to accessible information and materials and assistive technology.
- Your experience in the disability and development field.
- Any experience in relation to website development/ planning (desirable).
- An indication of your consultancy fee expectation/day rate, for an estimated duration of approximate days of work for the evaluation.
- Please send all queries and expressions of interest in English with the subject of ‘GRH scoping consultancy Tanzania’ to email: Laurie-Ann.Mafusire@sense.org.uk
The deadline to receive applications is on Monday 18th March 2024.
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